A century before the events of “Game of Thrones,” two unlikely heroes wander Westeros. In an adaption of George R. R. Martin’s novella “The Hedge Knight,” a young and naive but courageous knight, Ser Duncan the Tall, and his diminutive squire, Egg, face a series of dangerous exploits. Set in an age when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron Throne and images of the last dragon have not yet passed from living memory, great destinies and powerful foes await these improbable and incomparable friends.

The first season of the series will have six episodes to be released on HBO and Max in 2025.

The Hedge Knight

The Hedge Knight First episode date: June 15, 2025 (USA)

Main Cast

  • Peter Claffey as Dunk / Ser Duncan the Tall, a hedge knight.
  • Dexter Sol Ansell as Egg / Prince Aegon Targaryen, a prince of the Targaryen dynasty and Dunk’s squire.
  • Finn Bennett as Prince Aerion “Brightflame” Targaryen, a prince of the Targaryen dynasty and Egg’s older brother.
  • Bertie Carvel as Prince Baelor “Breakspear” Targaryen, the heir to the Iron Throne and Hand of the King to Daeron II.
  • Tanzyn Crawford as Tanselle, a Dornish puppeteer.
  • Daniel Ings as Ser Lyonel Baratheon, a knight known as the “Laughing Storm” and the heir to House Baratheon.
  • Sam Spruell as Prince Maekar Targaryen, Baelor’s younger brother and Egg’s father.

Guest Cast

  • Ross Anderson as Ser Humfrey Hardyng, a knight of House Hardying.
  • Edward Ashley as Ser Steffon Fossoway, a knight of House Fossoway of Cider Hall.
  • Henry Ashton as Daeron “The Drunken” Targaryen, Egg and Aerion’s older brother.
  • Youssef Kerkour as Steely Pate, a blacksmith hailing from the Reach.
  • Daniel Monks as Ser Manfred Dondarrion, a knight of House Dondarrion of Blackhaven.
  • Shaun Thomas as Raymun Fossoway, Steffon’s cousin and squire.
  • Tom Vaughan-Lawlor as Plummer, the steward of Ashford.
  • Steve Wall as Lord Leo “Longthorn” Tyrell, the Lord of Highgarden.
  • Danny Webb as Ser Arlan of Pennytree, a hedge knight and Dunk’s mentor.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is an upcoming American fantasy drama television series created by George R. R. Martin. A prequel to Game of Thrones (2011–2019), it is set to be the third television series in Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire franchise and uses his Tales of Dunk and Egg novellas as its basis. It stars Peter Claffey as Ser Duncan the Tall, the titular hedge knight, and Dexter Sol Ansell as Egg.