The Mask is a 1994 superhero comedy directed by Chuck Russell, based on a comic series by Mike Richardson. It stars Jim Carrey as Stanley Ipkiss, an everyday guy who discovers a magical wooden mask that transforms him into a green-faced troublemaker with the power to change his appearance and surroundings at will. The film also features Peter Riegert, Peter Greene, Amy Yasbeck, Richard Jeni, and Cameron Diaz in her film debut.

Filming took place from August to October 1993, and the movie was released on July 29, 1994, by New Line Cinema. It became a huge hit, earning over $351 million on a budget of $18–23 million, making it the most profitable comic-based film at that time. The movie played a key role in reviving swing music in the 1990s and helped solidify Carrey’s status as a major actor of the decade, while also launching Diaz’s career. Carrey received a Golden Globe nomination for his performance, and the film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects.

The Mask


Jim Carrey

The Mask (1994) – Jim Carrey


In Edge City, Stanley Ipkiss is a timid bank teller often mocked by his peers, except for his friend Charlie. Gangster Dorian Tyrell plots to take over his boss Niko’s nightclub. To gather intel for a bank heist, Tyrell sends his stunning girlfriend, Tina Carlyle, into the bank. Stanley is smitten with Tina, and she appears to return his interest.

After being denied entry to the Coco Bongo nightclub, Stanley’s broken-down car leads him to discover a magical wooden mask in the harbor. When he puts it on, he transforms into “The Mask,” a zany trickster with cartoonish powers. With newfound confidence, he wreaks havoc on those who mistreat him.

The next day, Detective Kellaway and reporter Peggy Brandt investigate the Mask’s antics. To impress Tina, Stanley uses the mask to rob the bank, unintentionally thwarting Tyrell’s heist. At Coco Bongo, he dances with Tina, but Tyrell soon confronts him, leading Stanley to flee, leaving behind a clue.

Stanley consults psychiatrist Arthur Neuman, who believes the mask may hold mythical powers linked to Stanley’s suppressed desires. That night, Stanley and Tina meet, but their encounter is interrupted by Kellaway. Peggy betrays Stanley for a bounty, and Tyrell dons the mask, becoming a monstrous villain.

After Tyrell kidnaps Tina, Stanley breaks out of jail, determined to save her. At the Coco Bongo charity ball, Tyrell kills Niko and plants a bomb. With help from his dog Milo, Stanley infiltrates the club and battles Tyrell. Tina outsmarts Tyrell, retrieving the mask, which Milo then uses to fight.

Stanley stops the bomb, defeats Tyrell, and the police arrive to arrest the criminals. The next day, Stanley and Tina return to the harbor. She tosses the mask away before they share a kiss, while Milo swims off with it.

Source: Wiki